Akron (Stylized as AKRON) is a 2015 independent, LGBT themed romantic drama film directed by Brian O'Donnell and Sasha King. The film stars Matthew Frias, (who previously starred in the sports film When the Game Stands Tall), as Benny, and Edmund Donovan as Christopher. The film portrays Benny and Christopher meeting during a football game at the University of Akron, where they fall in love. Their budding relationship is threatened by the knowledge that their respective families first met years before, during a tragic accident. The film also stars film and stage star Andréa Burns. The film has earned several awards, including Best Feature Film, at numerous film festivals in the United States
Akron (Stylized as AKRON) is a 2015 independent, LGBT themed romantic drama film directed by Brian O'Donnell and Sasha King. The film stars Matthew Frias, (who previously starred in the sports film When the Game Stands Tall), as Benny, and Edmund Donovan as Christopher. The film portrays Benny and Christopher meeting during a football game at the University of Akron, where they fall in love. Their budding relationship is threatened by the knowledge that their respective families first met years before, during a tragic accident. The film also stars film and stage star Andréa Burns. The film has earned several awards, including Best Feature Film, at numerous film festivals in the United States
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